I will not be silent
I don’t think I have any eloquence in me. I don’t have a usual sort of knitting blog post, either. But I don’t think this is a time for keeping silent.
When other Republican presidents have been elected in my lifetime, I’ve been worried, but not concerned about imminent disasters. This election is not the same. I am scared for the safety of my friends; I am scared for everyone I know who relies on the ACA, Social Security, and Medicare; I am scared for the environment; and I am scared for such fundamentals of our country as freedom of the press. And that’s just for starters.
Furthermore, white supremacists have been emboldened to attack people and leave disgusting graffiti in places calculated to hurt the vulnerable.
Despite being scared, I cannot be quiet about this. I am going to do what I can to keep things from getting worse, and I encourage you to do the same.
Yes. This.
Hugs to you!
Thank you for speaking out. I don’t live in the US but in France and we feel the anxiety here. After Brexit and now this I am worried that the French Elections will empower Marina LePen next. We need to all stand together.
We absolutely do. I have a French friend who has mentioned being really worried about LePen. I hope that this spreading fascism can be halted and reversed.
Thank you for your comment!
Exactly this.
Thank you.
Thank you so much for posting this–I am terrified too for people I love and people I don’t even know, and for our imperfect democracy. The silence on many knitting blogs has been surreal to me and adds to my fear. It’ s the time to take a stand and I’m grateful to you for doing it publicly. Thank you.
I also wish people didn’t feel the need to separate knitting from the rest of life. It’s distressing; we need to come together instead of pretending that nothing bad is happening. There’s nothing wrong with continuing to talk about knitting, mind – I’ll be back to knit blogging again on Monday. But there’s an elephant in the room.
If it’s any comfort, I have seen some other knit bloggers posting related things – let me know if you’d like the links.
Thanks, Naomi. I have seen some of those too, and I too also want to talk about/read about/think about knitting! I just want to thank everyone who posts about the danger we’re facing–I don’t have a public persona but I am so grateful for people who do and are willing/able to stand up and be counted right now. It gives me courage and I feel less alone.
Courage and not being alone are critical.
And now this clown is running again for presidency… I just can’t believe it. Living in Iceland, I feel it as a threat, and many around me think the same. I don’t know how to resist from afar; the US election concept is so strange to us overseas. Keeping my fingers crossed this orange elephant is going to jail soon.
Sending best wishes over the pond.
Yeah, it’s awful.