Myth: a free needlework chart for any craft

The random number generator picked Myth for my second encoded word post of this month. It was suggested by Nim, one of my Patreon supporters.

I usually develop a complicated knitting stitch pattern for each word, but I also like to provide a basic chart for any craft that’s worked on a grid: beads, cross stitch, whatever. I also try to provide an image of the pattern repeated all over not as a chart. It doesn’t necessarily look like a finished object for any particular craft, but I just want to give a sense of it.

Myth: a needlework chart for any craft

Myth: a needlework chart for any craft

• Designers, please feel free to use this in your patterns. I’d like credit but won’t be offended if people don’t give it.

• If you like my posts like this, please consider supporting me on Patreon or donating with my Paypal tip jar in the sidebar. Thanks!