on 3-to-2 cable/decrease hybrids, part 2
This is a continuation of last week’s post about 3-to-2 cable/decreases.
The basic principle is this: rearrange the three stitches so that the center stitch is knit by itself and the outer two stitches are knit together. This makes eight possible combinations, depending on three things:
- Whether the decrease is left- or right-leaning (ssk or k2tog)
- Whether the k1 or the decrease is worked first
- Whether the k1 crosses in front of or behind the decrease
I’ve come up with a tentative notation based on the cable notation I like to use, because the rearrangement of the stitches is cable-like. A standard abbreviation in that notation is 1/1 RC.
The first number in that notation says how many stitches are crossing in front. The second number says how many are crossing behind. The RC says that the front stitches lean to the right.
To give one example, I’m going to use ssk/1 LC to indicate that the decrease will be a left-leaning decrease, that it will cross in front of the center stitch, and that it will cross to the left.
In some of these methods I use a cable needle because I’ve never taken up cable knitting without one; if you’ve learned to cable without a cable needle, I’m sure that can be adapted to this.
I’m also assuming that your stitches sit on the needle like this, with the right leg in front and the left leg in back (if you’re a combination knitter, you’ll need to work out how to do the rearrangements.)
In the instructions, I’m going to refer to the first stitch on the left needle as A, the second as B, and the third as C.
- A: the original first stitch on the needle
- B: the original second stitch on the needle
- C: the original third stitch on the needle
- k2tog: knit 2 stitches together as if they were 1. (Right-leaning decrease)
- ssk: slip each of the next 2 stitches as if to knit, then knit them together through the back loop. (Left-leaning decrease)
k2tog/1 LC
- Slip A purlwise.
- Slip B purlwise onto cable needle and hold it behind the work.
- Slip A back to left needle.
- Knit B from cable needle.
- Knit C and A together.
This has an interesting braid-like appearance that I quite like, as does its mirror below.
ssk/1 RC
- Slip A knitwise.
- Slip B purlwise onto cable needle and hold it behind the work.
- Slip C knitwise and finish working and ssk with A and C.
- Knit B.
1/k2tog LC
- Slip A purlwise.
- Slip B purlwise onto cable needle and hold it in front of work.
- Slip A back to left needle.
- Knit A and C together.
- Knit B from cable needle.
This makes a different kind of braid effect.
1/ssk RC
- Slip A purlwise.
- Slip B onto cable needle and hold it in front of work.
- Slip A back to left needle.
- Knit B from cable needle.
- Work ssk with A and C.