Designs that use my stitch patterns
If you’ve ever wanted to make something with my stitch patterns but didn’t want to design something from scratch, these are the designs I know of that use my work. Most of these are collected from the relevant thread on my former Ravelry group and from my Patreon users. Please comment if you know of more!
I know there are people who are still unable to use Ravelry because of health problems, so I am linking to off-Ravelry sites where possible. All links are labeled with their destinations.
Unless otherwise noted, all patterns are knitted lace shawls, because that’s the majority of them.
updated 2 July 2024 to add a pattern by Catherine Emery
Adrienne Ku
- Kaepora (Ravelry)
- Secret Summer (Ravelry)
Aklori Designs
- Rainy Night Lace Shawl (Payhip)
Tunisian Crochet
Asimina Saranti
- Micci (Ravelry)
Not my stitch pattern, but using my encoding method. I’m so pleased!
A Catnach
- Bryd one brere – Bird on the Briar (Ravelry)
- Ca’ the yowes (Ravelry)
- Capriol (Ravelry)
- Doire – the Derry Shawl (Ravelry)
- Fair Oriana (Ravelry)
- Flight of the Heron (Ravelry)
- A Garland of Roses (Ravelry)
- Hexton (Ravelry)
- In Shadow of the Leaves (Ravelry)
- Lost in a Good Book (Ravelry)
- Night-Song (Ravelry)
- Sketching the Rainbow (Ravelry)
- Silent Noon (Ravelry)
- A Sprig of Thyme (Ravelry)
- A Strong Gift for Magic (Ravelry)
- A Sympathetic ear (Ravelry)
- Water Sprite (Ravelry)
- Wild Strawberries (Ravelry)
- Ynys Afallach – Isle of Apple Trees (Ravelry)
Catherine Emery
- Buttercups at the Gate (Ravelry)
Clarice Gomes
both patterns also available on Ravelry
Denise Plourde
- Hobbit Day Shawl (Ravelry)
Ellen Wright
- Summerland (Ravelry)
- Semiramis Semicircular Shawl (Ravelry)
Mona Zillah (bunnymuff)
- for Nora
a shrug, not a shawl
Naomi Parkhurst
I have three designs that use my own stitch patterns, and here they are!
- Bread and Roses (Payhip)
- Lacymmetry (Payhip)
- Onward (Payhip)
knit/purl hat recipe
Natasha Sills
both patterns also available on Ravelry
Nim Teasdale
All Nim Teasdale’s patterns listed as being on Lovecrafts are also available on Ravelry
- Ashputtel (Ravelry)
- Bewilderness (Ravelry)
- Cynefin (Ravelry)
- Eoan (Ravelry)
- Every Fibre of My Being (Lovecrafts)
- Goldenoak (Ravelry)
- Heart of Winter (Lovecrafts)
- Helianthe (Lovecrafts)
- Igni (Ravelry)
- Karuna (Ravelry)
- Kindred Souls (Ravelry)
- Miramis (Ravelry)
- Moonrise Crescent (Ravelry)
- Peace and Quiet (Lovecrafts)
- Robin in the Leaves (Lovecrafts)
- Robinleaf (Lovecrafts)
- Solitude Begets Whimsies (Lovecrafts)
- This Delicious Solitude (Lovecrafts)
- The Trickster (Ravelry)
- Treeangle (Lovecrafts)
- Ultramarine (Lovecrafts)
- Wildfire (Ravelry)
- Wintersun (Lovecrafts)
Raven Knits
- About the Air (Ravelry)
- Anemone Canadensis (Ravelry)
- Be as Water (Ravelry)
- Born of Spirit (Ravelry)
- Estel (Ravelry)
cowl - Elements in Balance (Ravelry)
- Girdle of Melian Poncho (Ravelry)
- Girdle of Melian Shawl (Ravelry)
- Monarda didyma (Ravelry)
- Moonrise over Imladris (Ravelry)
Stranded colorwork pillow - Numenorean neckroll (Ravelry)
mosaic knitting, cushion - Ranunculus shawlette (Ravelry)
- Spears of Barahir (Ravelry)
- The Sun, the Moon, and the Stars (Ravelry)
- This Good Earth (Ravelry)
- A Tea Party for Ruby (Ravelry)
baby sweater - Tinúviel (Ravelry)
- Voice of Fire (Ravelry)
Red and the Wolf
- Autumn Cornucopia (Payhip)
- Fire Dragon (Payhip)
- Forest Dragon (Payhip)
cowl - Helios Dragon (Payhip)
- Storm Dragon (Payhip)
- Water Dragon (Payhip)
Sarah Dawn
- Anghymesur Shawl (designer’s site)
- Marianna Shawl (designer’s site)
Sheila Toy Stromberg
pattern also available on Ravelry
- Lone Peak Stole (designer’s site)
Skeinwalker Knits
- Niká (designer’s site)
Teresa Morey
- Clementine Resists (Ravelry)
- Emmeline Persists (Ravelry)
- Helen Stornaway (Ravelry)
- Waltzing Matilda (Ravelry)
- Zingiber (Ravelry)
Victoria Marchant
- Symphonic (Payhip)
Interesting challenge…
The original doesn’t use one of your stitch patterns, but I have had a lot of fun substituting your patterns into the Love Note sweater pattern by TinCan Knits. I always link your pattern in my project notes (when I get around to making a project pages). I have used Thyme, Starry Flowers, and Lichen so far (and I think one or two others which I don’t remember off the top of my head).
Oh, that’s great! I’m really pleased to hear it.